Welcome To Gabmarine Shipping Agency
Our experienced agents make sure that our principals have best solution when in contact to port authorities . We co-operate with the ship masters and port captains and address their queries, whenever they are, at the right place, at the right time and with the best quality and Quick dispatch. Services provided by Gabmarine Shipping Fishing Vessels, cargo operations, including transshipments, dry-docking and afloat, Agency include, but are not limited by the following arrival / departure formalities for liner, Bulk, General cargo vessels, Tankers, Reefers, Cruise , Passenger vessels bunkering, supplies of fresh water, stores, provisions, spare parts and charts, medical assistance , surveying of vessels and cargo, on-hire and off-hire redelivery owners protecting agents on request minimizing of port expenses attendance of passengers and ship’s.

Gab Marine Services
Shipping Agency
Offers following services to ship owners and chatterers as ships agent and protecting agent if required in all Egyptian ports and Suez Canal
read more→Gabmarine Handling
Oil Tankers , LNG , LPG , Bulk Carriers , Container ships , Heavy lift , Vehicle Carriers , Spare Parts and All other types of vessels.
read more→Transit Agents
Fast and reliable service with competitive PROFORMA D / A , Full Agency Services , Ship Chandlers Services and CTM & Bunkering
read more→Maritime Services
Underwater Inspections, diving services, underwater weldings and cleaning , Scaling & Painting and Laundry and ironing services
read more→Ship Chandlers
Fresh, Frozen, Dry Provision , Bonded Stores ( Spirits, Cigarettes .Etc ) , Cabinet & Galley Stores and Deck & Engine Stores.
read more→Crew Change
Joining and repatriating crew change during Transit and Crew may join or land for repatriation at canal ports.
read more→Request a Free Quote
Provide fast and smooth Suez Canal transit, loading or discharging for all ships types in all Egyptian ports.
Protect owner’s, charterer’s and all parties interests with high class level of performance.
Gabmarine has marvelous communication channel through Port Said head office which is located next to Suez Canal edges, thus Atlas is on spot 24 hours per day 7 days per week.
Gabmarine has high standards of local connections and long historical experience with high professional organizations as Atlas member of:
- 1. BIMCO Member since 1979
- INTERTANKO Member since 1979
- Shipping Chambers membership (Port Said, Suez & Red Sea, Damietta &Alexandria).
- ISO 9001/2008 certified Since 2004 up till now.